Blast from the past:
Blast from the Past is a rock band formed in the summer of 2016. They just released their debut album No-one knows our name on Soundcloud and other online platforms. This concert will mark the official launch of the album
Blast from the Past are:
Simon Baird: Guitar and vocals
Nicholas Cianfanelli: Bass
Luke McCallin: Drums
You can also find the band here Blast From The Past - Home | Facebook
Blend was born in 1995, produced by the collision of two experienced musicians and two beginners, in the heart of CERN, in Meyrin. Very quickly, the eclectic tastes of its members meet and mix with a certainty: the will to compose and write original songs. The list of their influences goes from Rock to Pop, passing by Jazz sprinkled with Metal, the French song and the cinema of genre. In love with the stage and the French language, the musicians of Blend define themselves as "textual obsessed". A few self-produced albums and many concerts later, Blend continues to distill its often offbeat, strange and provocative songs, according to the following formula: 96% humor, 92% love, 33% sarcasm (even bad taste), 74% Pop and 69% Rock
Buster G. :
Buster G. or Buster Gonad to his friends (aka Niall O'Higgins) is one of the main (i.e. loudest) performers of "acoustic sex death metal" music based in Le Pâquis.
Dates 11/26/22, 9:00 PM - 11:59 PM
Price 10.-