Attention, on reservation by calling
0041 22 777 70 45
During the opening hours. (Attention, no reservation through the site!)
CERN music club is happy to introduce you this two bands:
Danegeld is a classic rock/metal band, specialising in playing your favourite 80's rock and metal tunes loudly and often too fast. Once described by a random passer-by as "what's going on here then?", the audience will be enthralled, shocked, and occasionally amused by their unparalleled stage presence (mostly due to the space taken up by having 6 members...). Tribute will be p(l)ayed, and no-one will be spared!
The Iberian Pigs
All good things come to an end. But also the bad ones. All the way from the Iberian peninsula, these five pigs have survived Woodstock99, multiple swine flus, hundreds of human-engineered blackholes at some particle accelerator. This is no easy feat. But it is 2022, and the no-meat culture is becoming more and more present. This said, we invite you to one last trip in the slaughterhouse, where you will be able to experience the product of 4-year matured meat clashing in the form of punk rock and nu metal. And we assure you: no animals of any sort will be harmed on purpose. But all “moshpits” will be welcomed.
Dates 12/3/22, 9:00 PM - 11:59 PM
Price 10.-