
Filière alimentaire des Vergers is making it's acting !

Our plate is our most powerful weapon in the fight against global warming and in the protection of our planet.
Today, our food plays a major role in the threats to our planet.
"If we don't change our diet, we will fail on the climate." This simple observation is the opening of director Benoît Bringer's new film, Food for Change - Recipes for a Better World.
The former editor-in-chief of Cash Investigation and Pulitzer Prize winner with the Panama Papers team sets out to find women and men who are inventing a new food model that respects both man and nature. This documentary gives us hope, shows us how everyone can be a force for change and develop recipes for an economically viable food transition.
The film reports the point of view of scientists, cooks-restaurateurs, elected municipal officials and many children who strive to show that alternatives exist, at local scales and on a long-term basis (in France, Sweden and Brazil).
Given the importance of the film, the Festival du Film Vert and the Filière alimentaire des Vergers have decided to screen it twice in order to allow as many Meyrinois-es as possible to attend. The two screenings will be followed by a short presentation of the projects in progress in Meyrin and a debate.


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Dates 9/16/21, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

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