DINNER: Service from 18:30 everyday (Reservations Auberge des vergers 022 777 70 45)
Performing on:
8 December: 20:45, 9 December 20:45, 10 December 20:45, 11 December 14:30 and 20:45
14 December: 20:45, 15 December: 20:45, 16 December 20:45, 17 December 20:45, 18 December 14:30 and 20:45
(Reservations: 079 158 4003
And 9 more! After our absence in 2020 due to the virus, we are back in the cultural hall of the AUberge des Vergers in Meyrin for a brand new show which, as its title indicates, is below the belt. A belt that the actors ask you to loosen during the performance.
A new café-theatre venue at the Auberge des Vergers, the Cabaret Grivoi returns in a more cabaret configuration and in the tradition and truculent spirit of Montmartre but in a more contemporary version. Well-crafted sketches and polished parody songs about everything between the navel and the toes. As you can see, for all those who have been loyal to this type of show since 2012 - and for new spectators, of course - we will continue to call a spade a spade! 80 minutes of laughter with, among other things, couples, homosexuality, libido, gay marriage, STDs, X-rated films, glamour...
Come and get slutty from December 8th to 18th at the Auberge des Vergers with the 9th edition of the Cabaret Grivoi... X which is more for the open throats than the pinched asses!
Dates 12/8/21, 8:45 PM - 12/18/21, 11:59 PM