The 10 rooms of the Auberge des Vergers are available 7/7 and accessible 24/24.

The reception is open on same hours of the restaurant, on off-hours a telephone hotline is provided.

What had started as a local project for and by the inhabitants has become a more open way to the world to share experiences, since the "guest rooms" of the building that were intended for the family and friends of the inhabitants are now real guest rooms.

All rooms are decorated with care and antique furniture by.... (our secret weapon) , the first quality Ecolabel bedding built by our partner "Elite" (in Aubonne), the sheets and bath linens by "Resuinsa" are certified Fairtrade, Oeko-Tex & GOTS, and the soaps created in Geneva based on organic local products by "La Savonnerie de la Cité".

Take the bet to stay only one night....

More infos
La Toscane

This room is a nod to the princes of Haute-Savoie who marked the history of the canton and of Meyrin. Warm, holiday, southern atmosphere.

Les champs

If Le Lac is too cold, perhaps the visitor will prefer Les Champs. This room pays homage to the old activity of the district once covered with orchards. The large bay window overlooks the outside, on nature clearly inviting the guest to recharge their batteries

La solitude

This room bears the name of the first building built in Meyrin. To break the loneliness, the host shares amenities with the adjoining room, in this case, that of The Ambassador. When solitude meets travel, the promise of long moments of sharing.

La parfumerie

La Parfumerie recalls the Geneva perfume and essence trading activity. Both feminine and masculine room, recreates the atmosphere of perfume shops with its glass beads.

Le lac

The Lake obviously refers to Lake Geneva. Designer was certainly also thinking of Lake Meyrin very close to the Auberge. This room is designed much like a small vacation home by a lake for maximum relaxation. The Lake is also the title of Lamartine's (best) poem and his famous cry

O time, suspend your flight! and you, auspicious hours, Suspend your course! Let us savor the rapid delights of the finest today!
The promise is unequivocal: that time stands still for your relaxation ...

L'atelier (de la belle astronome)

The winter weather lends itself little to outdoor activities, the visitor may simply want to occupy L’Atelier de la belle astronome. This room dedicated to CERN winks at the women and men of science. From the window, the guest in the room sees the CERN Globe. The workshop atmosphere finally convinces its occupant that it is time to make a contribution


The international market is developing the theme of aviation. The municipality housing the canton's airport, the plane is part of Meyrin’s identity. The traveler, the traveler who chooses L’International to spend the night near the airport is not likely to miss his flight.


The ambassador or Ambassador of the Indies for the yellow that illuminates its walls, does honor to a notorious characteristic of Geneva: diplomacy. Cabinet of curiosities atmosphere because the Ambassador likes to flaunt the many gifts received throughout his career. The host may be tempted to drop off some unusual object in turn to enrich the Ambassador's collection ... or divert some for their own collection

Les grands soirs

This room refers to the tradition of galas and charity evenings in Geneva. The room immerses you in the 1930s, art deco, with contemporary elements ...

Les seigneurs

If your guests have a desire for luxury, the room of the Lords will do them good. It recalls the local history in the Middle Ages, when the territory of Meyrin was divided between two seigneuries, that of De Livron and that of the lords of Meyrin. The room immerses its guest in a bourgeois atmosphere, inviting him to bask in front of its mirrors.
